Saturday, January 15, 2011

Winter Semester 2011

A new semester has started and the last two weeks have been very busy. I have spent the last two weeks just getting used to my new classes. And my new job!! Yes that's right I finally got a job. I work Monday through Friday 4am to 7am cleaning the Kimball building. And surprisingly I really like my job even the hours aren't as bad as they sound. But in other news I have decided what my new favorite class is this semester and it is definitely ceramics. I have only been to three classes and I can already tell that I'm going to love it. The pace is a lot faster then in my high school class where we had anywhere from three weeks to a month to work on a project. In this class I have a week to finish a project. But this fast pace makes sense since the class is only 13 weeks long.
This week we were assigned to do project using the coil technique. So I decided That I would make a pitcher with snakes wrapped around it as handles.

I was so excited about this project that I finished it in two days. So when I went to class on Thursday (we were supposed to use Thursdays class time to work on our projects) with a finished project I asked my teacher what he wanted me to do now, since my project was finished already. I was hoping that he would let me go so that I could take a nap, but no such luck. My teacher looked at me and said, "Well you have three hours until the class ends, so why don't you make another art piece." And so I did. I made a bear cookie jar.


  1. Ok when I looked at this on KR's phone, the second half totally wasn't there! weird!

    I love it! so fun!! I want some cookies now!

  2. i love the bear-Adelaide said that the only thing that would make it better was if it was pink and mini and for her :)
